Why C3?

People who experience a personal or mental health crisis may lose control and pose a danger to themselves or others. The solution is C3 De-escalation®.

C3  stands for Calm Circuit Connection. It’s a unique and practical de-escalation technique that’s based on  brain function. C3 targets the adrenaline that brain circuitsdisrupts  brain  connections and fuels aggression. C3 techniques help angry or distraught people calm down, gain control over themselves, and become safer and easier to work with.

C3 De-escalation® provides a window of calm that allows a first responder or clinician to get the person in crisis to the next level of care. It gives your staff new skills to stay safe, keep other people safe, and resolve a situation without anyone getting hurt.

For specialized workshops check the program list on the right. Or  contact us for more information.