Chill™ De-escalation for Youth

Kids know how to get into fights, but they don’t know how to get out.

Chill is the youth adaptation of C3 De-escalation®. With community support from  the NAACP Chicago Southside branch, Chill teaches innovative de-escalation skills based on the brain.

In neighborhoods beset by violence, fatal fights can break out over nothing: a look, a word, the slightest disrespect. Young people might learn to get into a fight, but they don’t know how to get out of one. They learn to heat up, but not to cool down. That’s where Chill, with its practical, brain-based approach, can add to community efforts.

Chill is taught by young people– aged 18- 28– to other young people. It uses neighborhood situations and everyday language to show teen practical ways to step back from violence.

Please join with us for this exciting opportunity to keep our youth safe.